The target communities have a long history of violent conflicts with considerable human casualties and huge material damages. The untold impact on women and children remain the invisible scars of conflict particularly in these communities, as this considerable part of the population never gets involved in peace negotiations and so whatever results obtained are ephemeral.
JPC Bamenda decided to empower women in these target communities to be able to take active part in peace building processes. On the 7th March, the JPC team joined the Women Peace Committees of Bambalang to celebrate the International Women’s Day. It was opportunities to listen to 3 women publicly recount their Most Significant Change stories. JPC also distributed some farm tools intended to assist the women in their development efforts, as it is well known that development is another name for peace.
All dressed in uniform, the women created awareness in the community as they marched along the main street of Bambalang chanting songs of peace and brandishing posters developed by JPC aimed at popularizing the National Gender Policy for Cameroon (2011-2020). The occasion was graced by the President of the Traditional Council and some Quarter Heads of Bambalang.