Promoting the Participation of Grassroots Women in Peace Building Processes in the Communities of Bali/Bawock and Balikumbat/Babmbalang

" Working for Justice and Peace is a Question of Balance."

32px-project-begeleiding-icon COMPLETED PROJECT

Brief Discription:

This project is implemented in the Communities of Bali Nyonga, Bawock, Balikumbat and Bambalang, which have had a history of violent conflicts on at least three different levels which greatly affect women:

1.    Inter-village conflicts (between different chiefdoms) on land

2.    Intra-village conflicts on land

3.    Domestic conflicts

The project seeks to realize effective peace building processes in target communities with women as major actors in the households, within and between villages contributing to more stable communities.

It has the following outcomes and outputs:

1.    The Women Peace Committees play a pro-active and effective role in the prevention of violence in domestic conflicts, intra-village and inter-village conflicts.

2.    The members of the Women Peace Committees are able to better understand conflicts and manage them constructively

3.    Male and female leaders of the target communities are able to  better understand conflicts and to manage them more constructively and have realized the importance of fully including women into peace building processes

4.    Communities are more stable as a result of effective peace processes.

Visit of Female Leaders of the Eglise Evangelique Du Cameroon (EEC) to the Justice and Peace Office (JPC), Archdiocese of Bamenda

Posted in Promoting the Participation of Grassroots Women in Peace Building Processes in the Communities of Bali/Bawock and Balikumbat/Babmbalang.

The one day visit which took place on the 12thof May 2015 beganat 9:00 am at the Justice and Peace Office, Archdiocese of Bamenda. The EEC women in the persons of Mme. Mbatchou, Mme. Priso Marie and Mme. Pochamgou Lucie were warmly received by the JPC staff.

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JPC Organizes a One Day Workshop with the Catholic Men’s Association and Catholic Women’s Association of the Archdiocese of Bamenda

Posted in Promoting the Participation of Grassroots Women in Peace Building Processes in the Communities of Bali/Bawock and Balikumbat/Babmbalang.

Within the framework of the project “Promoting Women in Peace Building Processes”, the Justice and Peace Commission found it imperative to address violence and conflicts that are prevalent in families through the unfair sharing of gender roles at home.

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JPC commemorates International Women’s Day in Balikumbat

Posted in Promoting the Participation of Grassroots Women in Peace Building Processes in the Communities of Bali/Bawock and Balikumbat/Babmbalang.

8th of March was the turn of WPCs of all the 5 villages that make up Balikumbat Sub-Division together with the JPC team.

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JPC Commemorates International Women’s Day with Women in Bambalang

Posted in Promoting the Participation of Grassroots Women in Peace Building Processes in the Communities of Bali/Bawock and Balikumbat/Babmbalang.

The target communities have a long history of violent conflicts with considerable human casualties and huge material damages. The untold impact on women and children remain the invisible scars of conflict particularly in these communities, as this considerable part of the population never gets involved in peace negotiations and so whatever results obtained are ephemeral.

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Creation of Women Peace Committees

Posted in Promoting the Participation of Grassroots Women in Peace Building Processes in the Communities of Bali/Bawock and Balikumbat/Babmbalang.

Within the framework of this project, the Justice and Peace Commission has created Women Peace Committees in all four target communities bringing the total number to 20 Women Peace Committees with an  average number of 25 women per committee.

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