In November 2014, the Justice and Peace Commission conducted a mid-term evaluation (MTE) of its 2009/2015 five year project that aimed at promoting human rights and conflict transformation in the archdiocese of Bamenda, North West region of Cameroon.
The evaluation report captured lessons learnt and produced constructive and forward looking recommendations that focused inter alia on improving results-based formulation, implementation and management; improving the coherence inside the Development Results Frame and considering the ‘chain of results’ (theory of change); and mainstreaming cross cutting themes including gender perspectives into programming.
The Commission’s Strategic Plan 2015/2020 is the direct result of the recommendations from the MTE Report. The strategic Plan has two development impacts, four outcomes and 37 programmatic outputs.
Its formulation and design have focused on improving effectiveness and efficiency through results-based programming that enhance stakeholder and beneficiary involvement in programme planning, monitoring and evaluation. Through this strategic plan, the commission is focusing on improving performance by adequately strengthening intervention capacities of and collaboration links with the elected justice and peace members at parish, deanery and archdiocesan levels. This plan has developed innovative community peace building models to unlock some of the constraints that are a barrier to cohesive and stable communities in the region. The accompanying documents of the strategic framework, that is, the Integrated Results and Resources Matrix, the Performance Measurement Framework, the Risk and Assumption Management Tool and the Yearly Work Plan will ensure a more effective and efficient organization, improved internal systems and processes with well managed resources and engaged personnel for the next 5 years.
JPC Strategic Framework 2015 to 2020
JPC Integrated Results and Resources Matrix 2015 to 2020
JPC Archdiocese of Bamenda Yearly Workplan 2015 to 2020